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Consumer Rights Blog

Most Recent Risks For Identity Theft

Thieves, like viruses, adapt and evolve. Where identity theft in the ’80s consisted of stealing the carbon copies of credit card presses or rubbing their card on a piece of paper like a chalk pressing of a gravestone, data theft today has become much more advanced, and, unfortunately, much more prolific.  Here are some of

Stamp Kiosks Latest Target For Credit Card Skimming

Well it’s that time again, time for another credit card skimming scam.  This one, however, occurs in one of the more unlikely places you’d expect: automated stamp machines at your local post office! That’s right, it appears one of the places you’d least expect a fraud scam to be perpetrated–a government building–is the latest hot-spot

Social Security Numbers Going the Way of the Dodo with Banks

Five of the US’s major banks have just taken a big step to improve the security of your identity. How so, exactly? By eliminating the recurring use of your social security number to confirm your identity. Let’s take a look at just what this means and how your security will be greatly benefited. Want to

The 3 Easiest Credit Score Fixes

People are often under the impression that credit scores are a fixed and immovable thing once they’ve lowered, that it would take years of strenuous work to get those numbers back up. While it does take time, not every aspect of raising your credit has to be a Herculean task. Here are some of the

The Rise of Personal Data Theft

Data theft has been around for quite some time. Despite that, with all the recent large-scale breaches and thefts, its easy to see why people are just now starting to feel the warm breath of data theft on their necks. But just because more and more people are becoming aware of the presence of data

Target Breach Victims Incur Further Victimization

By now just about everyone knows about the Target data breach that took place from November of 2013 through December of 2013 in which anywhere from 70 to 110 million customer’s credit card information was compromised. The attack–and the knowledge of identical attacks on Michaels and Neiman Marcus–opened our eyes to the harsh realities of


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