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Consumer Rights Blog

The Year of the Data Breach

Written by Alex Bach Many could very easily describe 2013 as the Year of the Data Breach–if it weren’t for the fact that 2014 and subsequent years will be chock full of the same. While data breaches have been going on for years, 2013 gave us the earth-shattering vista of how truly vast some of the

Craps! — Las Vegas Sands’ Casino Data Hack

Written by Alex Bach Well, it’s happened again! Yet another data breach has come to the attention of the public. This time it wasn’t a major retailer like Target or Neiman Marcus, but a casino. If you’ve picked up on the trend from these recent and expansive series of data breaches is that hackers are very,

Checking in With the Massive Target Data Breech

Written by Alex Bach The breech of retail giant Target at the end of 2013 was one of the biggest data breeches in history. Uploading their malware, hackers were able to steal the financial information of 110 million customers. Let’s check in with the breech and see what’s happened in the months since. Remember, Identity Theft

How Your Credit Score Impacts Your Financing

Written by Alex Bach Other than a very small percentage of the world’s population, we live in a world where if you want a house, a car, an education–heck, even a couch or a TV in some cases–you have to take out a loan.  And these loans you have to take out have interests rates associated

Could Facebook be Affecting Your Credit Score?

Could Facebook really be affecting your credit score?  That seems like a dastardly question; after all, how could a site used to interact with old college friends, swap marathon or baby photos, and post your personal response to the latest “Walking Dead” episode have any bearing on your credit score and merit for getting a

A New Tool in the Fight Against Identity Theft

So, by now you’re (hopefully) aware of the threat of identity theft; you’ve taken steps to protect your information; but how do you know if it’s working?  How can you check if someone is still stealing your info? Luckily, there’s a new tool out there designed to help. My ID Score: A new tool from

3 Movies That Show the Horror of Identity Theft

Written by Alex Bach Sometimes it takes a piece of art to open our eyes to the threats of the world in order for us to understand both the gravity of the issue and the horror of it.  Identity theft is no exception, thankfully there are a couple movies that will scare you straight if you

Data Hacking at the Olympics

NBC’s Richard Engle, covering the 2014 Winter Games held in Sochi, Russia, recently came out with a report on the level of data security in Russia.  That is, on the lack of data security in Russia.  It appears as if the Olympic Games aren’t just for athletes to strut their stuff but for hackers, as


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