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Kroll Background America (KBA)

Address 1900 Church Street, Ste. 300
City Nashville
State Tennessee
Zip Code 37203
Phone 1 866-541-4024

Kroll Background America offers services just as its name suggests- background screening.  Everything from employment screenings to more specialized searches, Kroll Background America works with companies across many industries.

Companies run background checks for many reasons, but all in all it is to determine risk.  When hiring a potential employee, a lot of organizations need to make sure that resumes and claims are accurate as it can directly affect their bottom line later down the road.  When picking volunteers, criminal checks are necessary to avoid any issues.  Credit checks are run by companies who have a purchasing relationship with you to assess risk of non-payment.

How a Negative Screening Can Affect You

Negative information on your screening reports can wreck havoc on your life.  It can affect your chance on being hired, on big life purchases such as cars and homes, and even getting access to to community programs.  When a negative item on your reports or screenings prevents you from a process, you are informed.  This is your chance to determine what that item is and if it is an error.  If you find it to be an error, you will need to get that item removed as quickly as possible.

Monitor your Credit and Criminal Information

Ideally, you will monitor your reports annually- which is allotted per the Fair Credit Reporting Act.  By checking in on your credit information continually you will be able to spot mistakes or inaccuracies before it has any affect of your life.

Dispute Mistakes on your Reports

If you are subject to an inaccurate employment report or background screening, contact Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C. quickly.  We can walk you through your report and explain the best route to take to get your reports and screening cleaned up.

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