Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C.

Taking Action: A Story of an Outdated Eviction Record, Apartment Denied, and Filing a Lawsuit

Imagine the excitement of finding the perfect apartment that fits your lifestyle like a glove. You submit your application, anticipating the life you’ll build there, only to be rejected because of inaccurate rental history on your background check. This disappointment is the reality for many consumers. With a story about losing out on a dream apartment due to an outdated eviction record, we will walk you through how to bring a lawsuit against rental background check companies under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).

The Dream Apartment Denied

Meet Alex, a young professional who had been diligently searching for the perfect apartment in the city. After months of searching, Alex finally found a place that felt like home. Excitement filled the air as the application process began. The potential landlord required a rental background check, which seemed like a formality for someone with a clean rental history.
However, when the tenant screening report returned, it showed an eviction on Alex’s record, a shocking revelation. It was even more bewildering that the eviction was from years ago, during Alex’s college days. Back then, Alex successfully resolved the matter and built a strong rental history. The outdated eviction report threatened to snatch the dream apartment away.

Understanding the FCRA’s Protection

Alex’s story reflects the experiences of many individuals who encounter outdated or inaccurate information on their rental background checks. Fortunately, the FCRA offers consumers like Alex a legal shield against such injustices.

Steps to Bring a Lawsuit Against a Rental Background Check Company

Determined to secure the dream apartment, Alex took the following steps:

Protect Your Rights

Inaccurate and out-of-date tenant background reports can have devastating consequences, especially when they result in losing out on your dream apartment. The FCRA is a valuable tool for consumers like Alex, providing a legal framework to hold background check companies accountable for their errors.
If you’re considering bringing a lawsuit against a rental background check company for inaccuracies, especially outdated information, don’t hesitate to consult an attorney with expertise in FCRA cases. Your rights are worth protecting, and by taking action, you can seek compensation for the harm you’ve endured. Remember, consumers have the power to demand accuracy and fairness in their rental background reports, and the FCRA is your tool to ensure these rights are upheld.